Exchange Relationships Write For Us
Exchange Relationships Write For Us: The defining quality of an exchange relationship is that benefits are awarded with the expectation of receiving a comparable benefit in exchange for or repayment of a comparable benefit received in the past. When the trade rules are properly followed, each member of the relationship considers the trade show. Customer-merchant relationships often illustrate trade relationships. For example, a customer might pay a store owner $ 3 for a package of paper towels. As a general rule, relations between employees and employers are also exchange relations.
Exchange relations are omnipresent, that is, they are found everywhere. While many involve monetary transactions, as in the examples just given, many others do not. For example, a group of parents with a child who plays soccer may share the ride with another group of parents whose child plays soccer. Each group of parents agrees to ensure the transportation of the other’s child to the offices in exchange for the other parents doing the same for their child. Another exchange relationship may exist between a couple with a beach chalet who each year exchange a week in this chalet for a week in another couple’s condo in a ski resort.
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