Mega-influencer the highest-ranking category of social media influencers.
And mega-influencer they typically take more than a million followers. And mega-influencers “are often more famous than influential.
They often take a very diverse audience with different topics of interest. Also, the relationships with the individual members of their followership tend to the more distant.
Table of Contents
What is the Macro-Influencer?
- Macro-influencers are the notch down from mega-influencers. Also, one way to identify a macro-influencer is by the follower count. And which must fall somewhere between 100,000 and one million followers.
- And our average macro-influencer lies somewhere between micro and mega. There’s no exact science differentiating these categories.
- Unlike most mega-influencers, macro-influencers usually gained fame on the internet itself. And whether that was through vlogging and by producing funny and inspiring content.
What is the Micro-Influencer?
- A micro-influencer is someone who takes between 1,000 to 100,000 followers. Also, micro-influencers focus on a specific niche and area and generally regard industry experts and topic specialists.
- Also, micro-influencers take stronger relationships than the typical influencer. Its often driven by the perception as the opinion leader of subject matter.
What is the Nano-Influencer?
- Nano-influencers are the relatively new breed of influencers. They tend to take a smaller number of followers in comparison to micro-influencers, less than 1,000 followers.
- The nano-influencer is someone who takes influence within the community. And someone who takes effect in the local neighborhood and community.
- Some examples might help local pastors, local community leaders, and local government leaders.
- And also the idea behind nano-influencers gets “regular everyday people” to influence the brand’s product and service to friends and family. Most of the time can achieve through user-generated content.