Social Media Intelligence Write For Us
Social Media Intelligence Write For Us: Reports on social media simply present what happened, but social media intelligence asks why. Going back to our previous example, a graph showing maximum fan growth is often a symptom of something else at stake. When reporting on social media data, always think about the “so what?” As for what you see.
Digging deeper, you may find that the surge in fan growth coincides with a particularly interesting post that has been published. We are now gathering information. The next step is to ask why this particular post was attractive. t an image or video that was widely shared? Was the content brand specific? Was it promotional in nature or a Christmas greeting? Today, a large amount of social media content is promoted as brands seek to reach a wider audience. Knowing if a position is being promoted is necessary to better evaluate the results it has generated.
Social Media Intelligence represents the stack of technology solutions and methods used to watch social media, with social conversations and rising trends. This intelligence is that analyzed and used to create meaningful content and make business decisions across many disciplines.
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